Not All Black Girls Know How to Eat
BIPOC, Bulimia, Student LifeStephanie Covington Armstrong doesn’t fit the stereotype of someone with an eating disorder. And that’s exactly why she wrote her book, Not All Black Girls Know How to Eat: A Story of Bulimia. Armstrong is sharing her story in an effort…

Recovery Doesn’t Just Happen
Anorexia, Binge Eating Disorder, Body Image, Bulimia, RecoveryRecovery doesn’t just happen. It’s also not some cliché buzzword tossed around to “inspire” you. Recovery is real. It’s not a luck-of-the-draw deal where you put your name in a hat and hope to be chosen. It’s a grueling, relentless,…

A Work-in-Progress: Living My Best #FitLife Post Eating Disorder
Anorexia, Athletes, Binge Eating Disorder, Body Image, Bulimia, Orthorexia, Recovery, Social Media, Special Topics, Understanding Eating DisordersIf you ask my friends in NYC to describe me, you’ll be painted a picture of a boss lady taking on the city as a full-time professor, writer, and consultant, in addition to being a fitness influencer. They’ll also tell you I’m a people…

My 46-Year Struggle with Bulimia: How I Finally Found Recovery
Bulimia, RecoveryThere are too many stereotypes today about eating disorders; specifically, the widespread myth that they can only affect younger women. But in reality, 13 percent of women over the age of 50 have eating disorders. And until very recently, I…

Seattle Mariners Catcher Mike Marjama Has a Message for Men Struggling with Eating Disorders
Athletes, Bulimia, Men, RecoveryMike Marjama currently has a successful career as an American baseball catcher for the Seattle Mariners, but he once struggled with an eating disorder that threatened his ability to play the sport he loves. As a teen, Marjama attended Granite…

Scenes from a Military Marriage: Our Journey with Binge Eating Disorder and Bulimia
Binge Eating Disorder, Bulimia, RecoveryMelinda developed an eating disorder while she served in the military from 2003-2008. When she met her husband Jim several years later, she was still battling binge eating disorder and bulimia. They’ve coped as a couple as Melinda began her…

The Incredible Power of Sharing Our Recovery Stories
Bulimia, RecoveryMore often than not these days, my eating disorder feels like a distant memory. I have to think really hard to put myself back in my own shoes. It was only five years ago that my entire life revolved around bingeing and purging and starving…

I’m Fat on the Inside
Body Image, Bulimia, Recovery, Weight StigmaOnce a year, the grocery store checkout magazines come out with their “Half my Size!” issue, featuring people who have dropped a significant amount of weight. They stand in one leg of their old jeans or flex in trendy athletic wear, smiling…

I Am Good Enough: My Recovery from Bulimia
Bulimia, RecoveryMy first diet was in second grade, and I remember the day clearly. I had overheard a family friend urge my mom to take me for regular, brisk walks in the neighborhood. Her message was clear: I was chubby and needed to lose weight. I felt embarrassed…

They WHY behind WARRIOR, my book
I was a talented athlete. I won accolades in high school, and pitched on the softball team for Villanova University. I was voted All-East Pitcher of the Year, Academic All-America, and later I pitched professionally in Italy.I became…