
Perspectives on Diversity and Being Marginalized from Both Sides of the Couch

The acknowledgement of gender identity, sexual orientation, race, ethnic background and cross-cultural differences is necessary and vital to building the therapeutic relationship. All of these things contribute towards one’s identity and,…

Becca McCharen-Tran of Chromat on Receiving the NEDA Inspires Award

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At the NEDA Annual Gala on May 16th, 2018 at the Pierre Hotel in New York City, Becca McCharen Tran of CHROMAT accepted the NEDA Inspires Seal of Approval Award. Her remarks that evening were powerful and we'd like to share them with you here...Thank…
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When Autism is Hiding Behind an Eating Disorder

“But you have always been able to look me in the eye.” This was the first thing my psychologist said when I told her I thought I had Aspergers. The inability to make eye contact with others is a hallmark sign of an Autism Spectrum Condition.…
Girl Holding Sun

What’s Left Unspoken: Sri Lankan Culture and Eating Disorders

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Something monumental happened on April 5th, 2017: for the first time in my life, I spoke openly with my mom about my eating disorder. I had returned home after advocating on Capitol Hill for eating disorder parity and called my mom to recap…

5 Important Takeaways from Our Marginalized Voices #NEDAwareness Chat

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Last Tuesday, we hosted a #NEDAwareness Twitter chat to hear from marginalized members of the body positive and pro-recovery community. The goal of the chat was to gain insight into how food, exercise, and body image issues impact different…
Smiling Woman Looking Up

What Does Intuitive Eating Mean?

Intuitive eating tends to bring up a lot of feelings with folks as they move through different stages of recovery from eating disorders. In my work, I find that it is a topic that can lead to some difficult conversations around food and bodies.…
Girl Standing on Hill

How Purity Culture Made Me Ashamed of My Body

In the grocery store checkout line in suburban Orange County, Calif., my mom looked at me and said, “watermelon.”It was our code word for “stand up straight.” I was a preteen, taller than all my friends, and was constantly slouching.…
Sunset People Hugging

What You Need to Know About Eating Disorders in Muslim Communities

When I first started writing this post, my intention was to highlight how eating disorders affect the Muslim community in ways that differ from people of other faiths (or no faith). However, the more I looked into it and the more I thought about…
banner image Gloria Lucas Nalgona Positivity Pride

Centering the Voices of People of Color in the Fight Against Eating Disorders

Gloria Lucas is a self-described “chubby warrior, DIY punx educator, and eating disorder survivor” dedicated to increasing the representation within the body positive and eating disorder community. After struggling with her own eating disorder,…
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The Importance of Diverse Media Representation

We are shaped by our experiences and our perceptions. Our views of the world are defined by what we see and what we hear and the media has always played a role in that. Throughout history, the media and arguably, our immediate environment, has…