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What to Consider When Choosing a New Health Insurance Plan

The following blog post is sponsored by HealthSherpa. 20 million women and 10 million men suffer from an eating disorder at some point during their life. Eating disorders are serious but treatable illnesses that can affect anyone. In 2014,…

World Mental Health Day 2018: Resource Round-Up

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Today is World Mental Health Day, an annual awareness and education initiative spearheaded by the World Federation for Mental Health (WFMH). This year’s campaign highlights the importance of increased mental health awareness, services, and…
Paige Sklar (resized)

Volunteer Spotlight

When I was struggling with my own eating disorder it became very clear to me that not a lot of people understood what I was going through, and when I was brave enough to talk about my illness, I felt insecure because of the stigma that having…
Summer self-care series (banner long)

Self-Care: Spa Tips

While reflecting on this past World Eating Disorders Action Day (June 2, 2018), I realized how much I love the word “action.” It’s about doing what we can to make a difference. On a personal level, when I think about action against eating…
Summer self-care series (banner long)

Self-Care: Sitting with Discomfort

Self-care is a practice of sitting with discomfort. It is more than a manicure, a massage, or even therapy and meditation. What lies behind all these acts of self-care that we deem so estimable? Why are these acts so difficult, and at times…
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Safeguarding my Recovery as I Plan My Wedding

My anxiety started with dress shopping. I secretly hoped for a fantasy moment of bridal beauty, to pull on something slinky and white and glow. Instead, the saleslady shook her head at the sample size dress and my, well, non-sample-size body.…
Summer self-care series (banner long)

Self-Care: 20 Minutes to a More Peaceful Space

It's easy to feel like you’re in disarray when your space feels cluttered. Do a quick tidy-up. Throw all clothes in a hamper, wash the dishes in the sink, and make sure everything is in its place! Even if you just take the time to straighten…
Summer self-care series (banner long)

Self-Care: Yoga

The calendar tells us it is summer, over halfway through the year, and months past the post-holidays and New Year’s intentions that were going to change your life. I invite you to pause and recognize that YOU are enough, at this very moment. No…
Group Meal

How to Have a Healthy Relationship with Food

Eating disorders are a collection of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that are not just weight and food related but also include disordered thoughts about health. This creates rigidity or chaos that impacts quality of life and perpetuates the…
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A Work-in-Progress: Living My Best #FitLife Post Eating Disorder

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If you ask my friends in NYC to describe me, you’ll be painted a picture of a boss lady taking on the city as a full-time professor, writer, and consultant, in addition to being a fitness influencer. They’ll also tell you I’m a people…