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Eating Disorders in the LGBTQ+ Community

For many, the thought of eating disorders may exclusively call to mind young, heterosexual, thin, white women. Unfortunately, it is a myth that eating disorders only affect a certain population of people. The reality is that eating disorders…
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Identified Recovery

June; when the earth’s axis begins to be more equal.  Rushing to put our feet into the sand and finding the perfect location to catch the sun’s rays. I dreaded this time filled with endless barbecues, and events centered around…
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The Connection Between my Eating Disorder and Sexual Orientation

I consider myself to be bi-curious, but could also consider myself to be bisexual or pansexual. The label isn’t the most important thing to me, or what I feel matters most. I am open to any experience that would involve me finding love in…

Androgynous Bodies Come In Every Shape and Every Size

The biggest lie that Tumblr ever told me was that an androgynous body is a thin body.As a genderqueer person, someone who doesn’t strictly identify as a man or a woman, I had always craved a more “androgynous body.” I wanted to be a…
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Trans Stories Have Power: An Interview with Sam Dylan Finch

As someone who engages in community-based radical mental health work, I believe in the power of narratives in the fight against mentalism. Although not everybody has the privilege, capacity, or desire to share their narrative, the narratives…
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Belonging in My Own Body: A Trans Recovery Story

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Why do I do karate? I’ve wanted to do a martial art since I was a kid, but my mother’s strict no-violence policy wouldn’t allow it. In college, decreased parental supervision enabled me to finally live the dream. At least, that’s…
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Decentering the Narrative: Trans Folks, Body Image, and EDs

Conversations surrounding eating disorders, body image, and beauty standards are generally centered on the narratives of straight, cisgender* women. However, these conversations often exclude the experiences of many LGBT people who also struggle…
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Existing as a Trans Person with an Eating Disorder

When I first sought treatment for an eating disorder, I had no idea I was transgender.When I tell people this, I’m usually met with incredulity. How could you not know you identified as a boy? That seems like something one usually has a pretty…

National Minority Mental Health Month 2018

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National Minority Mental Health Month may be winding down, but the conversation about mental health in marginalized communities doesn’t — and shouldn’t — stop. National Minority Mental Health Month may be winding down, but the conversation…

Eating Disorders Among LGBTQ Youth

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NEDA and the Trevor Project teamed up on a national survey to better understand how LGBTQ+ youth are affected by eating disorders. We found that a majority of those surveyed have been diagnosed with an eating disorder and more than 75% suspect…