The role of a support system while navigating New Year’s Resolutions
HolidaysThe New Year can be a fresh start for many individuals, and a great opportunity to refocus on goals in the future. However, it can also be a triggering time for individuals who are working to recover or maintain their recovery from an eating…

Understanding Attachment Wounds and Food Anxiety During the Holiday Season
HolidaysThe holiday season can provoke overwhelm and worry, with regard to food and our relationships. The interplay between our connections with food and people can become accentuated during this season of densely packed party trays and rooms full…

Relational Therapy: The Antidote to Your Nasty Inner Critic and The Need for a Lifeline Over The Holidays
HolidaysThe holidays are hard. They are hard on so many levels and if you have an eating disorder, especially one that comes with a long-standing inner critic (which let’s face it, most do) the holidays are even harder. The holidays are harder because…

How to Handle the Holidays Healthfully: A Guide to Overcoming Triggers
HolidaysThe holidays are meant to be the most joyful time of the year. If you suffer from disordered eating or body image issues, however, the holidays can be stressful, lonely, and difficult. Between Halloween and New Year’s Day, we are subject to…

Navigating Holiday Eating
HolidaysHoliday season is approaching with all the hustle, bustle and social gatherings many of which involve eating. For individuals with disordered eating the holidays are a challenging time of the year. Strategies to assist with making eating-related…

Attention: This is Your Holiday Priority
HolidaysThe holidays are a time when we can all begin to embrace loved ones and reflect on the year. Yet the person you should be embracing the most is yourself.
This is especially true for those who are battling with an eating disorder.
In addition…

Holidays in a Latino Culture: Greetings from a “Gordito”
BIPOC, HolidaysEveryone seems to enjoy the holidays because they get to see their family and friends at a special time of the year. As college students, we love the holidays because we get to go back home, see our families, and enjoy free rent, free cable,…

3 Mindful Eating Tips to Get You Through Chanukah
HolidaysNote: My boss, Dr. Conason, wrote mindful eating posts for Halloween and Thanksgiving and I’ve adapted them for Chanukah with her permission. You can read the original posts here and here.
Chanukah is almost here and personally, it’s…

Tips for Surviving Thanksgiving in Recovery
Holidays, RecoveryThe Holiday Season is here, and Thanksgiving is right around the corner – which means, if you’re anything like me, so is your anxiety. Being surrounded by endless talks of food and diets can be enough to make you want to scream, and seeing…