nedacon faqs

NEDA Responds to Your Most Common #NEDACon Questions!

NEDA’s first Regional Conference will take place Saturday, May 12 at Drexel University. #NEDACon is designed to bring together individuals and loved ones who are experiencing eating disorders or wanting to learn more about eating and body…
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At the NEDA Conference, I Found My People

If struggling with an eating disorder has ever left you feeling isolated or “different” than the people around you, or if you’ve ever looked around and realized that you’re recovering into a culture that can be unsupportive and even…
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5 Reasons Why Everyone Should Attend a NEDA Conference at Least Once

Two and a half years ago, I arrived in sunny San Diego, not knowing a single soul in the area and certainly not knowing what I would experience over the next few days. I was in town for the annual NEDA Conference, the first one I had ever…
Sunset People Hugging

What You Need to Know About Eating Disorders in Muslim Communities

When I first started writing this post, my intention was to highlight how eating disorders affect the Muslim community in ways that differ from people of other faiths (or no faith). However, the more I looked into it and the more I thought about…
Mother and Daughter Talking

What Exactly is ARFID?

When my daughter was a toddler, she was what we considered a “picky eater.” As she got older and her picky eating habits got more severe, we began to seriously worry. She didn’t just clamp her mouth shut or shake her head “no” when…
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BEDA/NEDA Conference Recap – Part 2!

Yesterday marked the final day of the Binge Eating Disorder Association (BEDA)’s National Conference in partnership with the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA). Titled “Building Resilient Communities Through Collaboration,” the…
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BEDA/NEDA Conference Recap – Part 1!

The Binge Eating Disorder Association (BEDA) in partnership with the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) kicked off its 2017 National Conference in New York City. Titled “Building Resilient Communities Through Collaboration,” the…
neda woman late 50s

Dear Melody: No One Takes My Eating Disorder Seriously As a Mid-Life Adult. What Can I Do?

“Dear Melody” is an advice column by Dr. Melody Moore, a clinical psychologist, yoga instructor, and the founder of the Embody Love Movement Foundation. Her foundation is a non-profit whose mission is to empower girls and women to celebrate…
FathersGuide talking about eating disorder eating disorders

Contradictions in Recovery: Why Are Some Eating Disorders Treated More Seriously Than Others?

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I've noticed a tremendous inconsistency throughout my years of eating disorder treatment. When I was in treatment for anorexia nervosa purging type, one of the first parts of my recovery was weight restoration. I felt like before I even got…

5 Ways Health Education Can Better Portray Living with an Eating Disorder

As someone who attended a public high school, health education was a really valuable class to me. While some may have considered it a joke of a class or an “easy A,” tackling topics like substance abuse, domestic violence/abusive relationships,…