
Athletes and Body Acceptance

Athletes devote a significant amount of time and resources in pursuit of maximizing performance in sport.  Athletes’ bodies are used as vessels to compete in sport and, when nourished and nurtured, the human brain and body are best equipped…
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National Volunteer Week 2022

This week, the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) is celebrating National Volunteer Week. We are highlighting the importance of volunteerism by celebrating the individuals and families who come together to support NEDA throughout its…
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Partners in Change Round-Up: Yoga and Body Image Coalition

The Yoga and Body Image Coalition (YBIC) has been a long-time Partner in Change. This blog round-up, in honor of National Eating Disorders Awareness (#NEDAwareness) Week 2022, highlights how the practice of yoga can be an integral…
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Partners in Change Round-Up: ANAD, FEDUP, and Project HEAL

Our field is Seeing the Change because of the collective action taken over the last twenty years by many individuals and organizations. In celebration of the organizations that have helped pave the way for eating disorder treatment, research,…
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Welcome to #NEDAwareness Week 2022!

On behalf of the NEDA Board of Directors and staff team, thank you for joining us to celebrate, share, and raise awareness during NEDAwareness Week 2022!  We invite you to See the Change, Be the Change. Celebrating twenty years as…
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A Thanksgiving Note from Liz Thompson, NEDA CEO

As we enter this season of Thanksgiving, I wanted to pause to extend a warm thank you for your support of NEDA. On behalf of the Board and staff, we appreciate your dedication, your investments of time and resources, and your willingness to…
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NEDA Celebrates National Volunteer Week

This week, the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) is celebrating National Volunteer Week. We are highlighting the importance of volunteerism by celebrating the individuals and families who come together to support NEDA throughout its…
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YBIC x NEDAwareness 2021 Blog Round Up

The Yoga and Body Image Coalition is a 2021 Featured NEDAwareness Week Partner. YBIC’s mission is to work with all of the ways yoga and body image intersect to create greater access and dignity for all.Check out these articles YBIC is highlighting:Reframing…
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A Message of Gratitude to the NEDAwareness Week Lighting Partners and Volunteer Photographers

Every year in February, the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) leads the largest national outreach effort to raise awareness about eating disorders: National Eating Disorders (#NEDAwareness) Week. NEDAwareness Week (February 22 –…
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The Intersection of Disability and Eating Disorder Recovery

From a young age I knew I was different from other kids. I can’t pinpoint an exact eureka moment when I became aware that I was visibly disabled, but I do remember photographers arguing about where to put me in school photos. I couldn’t…