
Celebrate the People Who Make Recovery Possible!

Recovery from an eating disorder takes a team. That’s why we’re working with Instagram and Project Heal on the #RecoveryHeroes campaign to celebrate all of the people who make recovery possible.So, we want to hear from you! Who supported…

Using All of Our Devices: NEDA & Recovery Record Partner to Make it Easier to Connect with Help

I was 15 years old, the sun was shining, and I had just come home from school when my sister told me that she had an eating disorder. The memory remains vivid in my mind. I remember how saddened I was that I had not realized she was suffering.…

5 Ways to Make Valentine’s Day Great

Valentine’s Day can be a tough holiday, especially when you’re single, having a difficult time with friends, feeling disconnected from community or struggling with disordered eating. But here’s the good news: you can transform your Valentine’s…

Dear Melody: How Can I Confront Someone Who’s Hurting My Recovery Process?

“Monthly Matters with Melody” is a monthly advice column by Dr. Melody Moore, a clinical psychologist, yoga instructor and the founder of the Embody Love Movement Foundation. Her foundation is a non-profit whose mission is to empower girls…

You Are Not Broken

After I left treatment, I felt like a misfit. I remember standing in the cereal aisle at the grocery store, completely frozen, unable to think or speak. My eyes slowly moved from box to box as I desperately tried to pick a cereal that didn’t…

Creativity Encourages Recovery

Hope…there is hope for recovery.I know this. I want to share this message with the world. I spent years of my life held prisoner by the lies and intrusive thoughts of anorexia and bulimia. I no longer live in this place and I want you to know…

5 Ways to Self-Care During Difficult Times

I have a confession to make: I despise checking the news. It seems like every time I turn on the TV or radio, or log on to social media, there is another act of violence, hate, or terror being reported, not only in our country, but around the…

Getting Through a Breakup When You Have an Eating Disorder

There’s no denying that breakups are always hard. It can take months—even years—to completely heal and be ready to move on. When you have an eating disorder (ED), it can be even harder. It’s easy to be overwhelmed with negativity and…
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The Healing Touch

Growing up with anorexia, I came close to losing my life. Several times. I remember the first time my eating disordered thoughts began. I was seven. I am blessed with an amazingly loving family. But even so, something in my brain told these…
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Dear KJ: How Can I Talk to My Parents About Getting Treatment?

"Dear KJ" is a monthly advice column by Dr. Kjerstin "KJ" Gruys, sociologist, author and body image activist. She holds a Ph.D. in sociology with a focus on the politics of appearance and is the author of Mirror Mirror Off the Wall: How I Learned…