Sun, Sand, and Strength in Recovery
I never thought I’d be afraid of summertime. I love summer. I love the warm weather, the late nights, the vacations, and the blockbuster movie releases. Some of my happiest memories were made during these few months. But since developing…
Combating Summer Triggers in Recovery
Summer is typically a time associated with beaches, vacations, pools, barbecues, and fun. However, in recovery it can easily become a focus on how your body exists in the heat or the unpredictability of celebratory or vacation foods. Not to…
Being Pro Recovery In An Anti Recovery Environment
Summertime has always been one of the most paradoxical seasons in my life. It has brought me warm weather, freedom–from the monotonous five days a week seven fifty am to two twenty pm (excluding the prolonged hours spent studying and participating…
Staying Grounded Amidst “Hot Girl Summer” Messaging
In my personal recovery journey, I have found that the season when ED tries to rear its ugly head with gusto is during the summer. While the saying, “Hot Girl Summer” is fairly new, the concept behind it has pressured individuals to live…
Navigating Recovery in the Summer
Challenging but worth it
Close your eyes. Take yourself back to a time where you felt pure joy in the summer.
Maybe it’s you swimming with friends, running through sprinklers, or jumping in puddles barefoot. Maybe you’re on a rollercoaster…
Being Yourself in the Summer
Recovery, Special TopicsSummer can be a uniquely challenging time for people struggling with an eating disorder, regardless of what phase of recovery you are in. Social media influencers, the diet (or as I say, die with a “T”) industry, and even friends and…
Eating Disorders and Managing Summer Triggers
RecoveryThe summer months are coming up, and while they can be a time of great fun and relaxation, they can also be an extremely triggering time for those in eating disorder recovery. There are certainly many reasons why sustaining eating disorder…
The Summer Slip
RecoveryIn the summer of 2019, I was simultaneously attempting to close a chapter in my life and start writing a new one. I had just gotten back from a school year abroad, I was in a long-distance relationship and planning to move closer to my partner…
Experiencing Sexual Abuse While In Remission From an Eating Disorder Protecting My Recovery
Recovery, Trauma
A year and a half after my Anorexia diagnosis, and after many rounds of various levels of treatment, I finally got to go back to high school. I was at school from 8am to 2:30pm, then my mom would pick me up and drive me to IOP (Intensive Outpatient)-…
NEDA: A Beacon of Support in My Recovery Journey
BIPOC, Recovery, Special TopicsStruggling with an eating disorder is a frightening experience, especially when faced with limited resources and societal stigma. I encountered this struggle firsthand at the age of 15, 27 years ago, when eating disorders were still shrouded…