
Building Strength Out of Struggle

I remember being really young when I first became conscious of my unhealthy relationship with body image. It was the classic "being in elementary school" kind of thing; I was bullied for being a little chubby, having to take my shirt off in…
Stigma Surrounding Men with Eating Disorders

The Stigma Surrounding Men with Eating Disorders

There are a variety of myths surrounding eating disorders—myths that can make people unaware of the seriousness of the disease or even prevent people from reaching out for help.Many people think that only women are affected by eating disorders,…
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Anorexia for an Asian American: A Recovery Story

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I was 11 years old when I started struggling with my first eating disorder. I did not know what anorexia was, nor did I know that the pinching of skin folds between my fingers, under my arms, and on my stomach, was symptomatic. I did not know…
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Writing a New Script for 2017

I think 2017 is looking up. And I say that guardedly, knowing full well that I can always slip backwards. My name is Ryan Sheldon. I’m 28 years old, and I suffer from binge eating disorder (BED). It wasn’t long ago that I was deep in…

Males Don’t Present Like Females with Eating Disorders

True or false?: Males make up 1 in 10 of those with an eating disorder. Many say false, and think the number is even less. But it’s quite the opposite. Frustratingly, it’s the statistic most frequently quoted in the media. Why? Because this…

Where my BRUHS at!

What up Bruh! If you are a man with an eating disorder and you are reading this, you are not alone. No really, 10 million of us actually. Most likely at some point I was over exercising next to you at the gym, or I was in line behind you at…

Get in the Know: Males and Eating Disorders

Struggling from an eating disorder is difficult enough without the stigma that it is a feminine disease. Being a male in the world of ED is difficult in different ways; from diagnosis to treatment. Before DSM-V, one of the ‘requirements’…

Day 2 of the NEDA Conference: A Moving Family Panel and Insights on Males with Eating Disorders

The first general session on the second day of the Conference – NEDA’s annual Family Panel – sent  a powerful and vital message to attendees: recovery is real and possible for everyone. The Family Panel included personal stories of…