Ending Weight-Based Bullying: Encouraging Health Without the Weight Talk
Bullying, Weight StigmaBullying is a harsh form of judgment. It’s painful. And the scars, whether emotional or physical, can last for years to come. Weight-based and any other form of bullying leaves the victim feeling insecure, excluded, and unsafe. Children…

Overcoming ED, My Biggest Bully
Bullying, Men, RecoveryFor all of my childhood, I was considered "overweight." Whether it was my food choices or just genetics I'm not sure, but I was okay with it. I was a happy kid and I enjoyed life and everything it had to offer. As I started to get older, people…

Respect My Disabled Body
BIPOC, Body Image, Bullying, Special TopicsDuring my teenage years, I was very confrontational. I was also very angry and embarrassed to be in my body. This anger and shame, encouraged me to yell at and hate the strangers I caught staring at me in public places. The staring happens…

This No Name-Calling Week, Take a Stand Against Bullying
Bullying, LGBTQIA+This week marks GLSEN’s No Name-Calling Week, a week organized by educators and students to put a stop to name-calling and bullying in schools. Being teased or bullied about weight is emerging as a risk factor in many eating disorders. Additionally,…

Happy Unity Day! Let’s Stand Up to Bullying, Together
Bullying, LGBTQIA+Today marks PACER’s 2017 Unity Day! Now is a time to unite for kindness, acceptance, and inclusion, and pledge to create a world without bullying. When we stand together, no one stands alone!Below, three of our writers shared their experiences…

Happy Spirit Day! Here Are 7 Ways to Take a Stand Against Bullying
Bullying, LGBTQIA+Eating disorders disproportionately affect members of the LGBTQ+ community and bullying can serve as one factor in the development of an eating disorder. As a whole, LGBTQ+ young people are more likely to experience bullying at school, sexual…

Bullying, Disability, and Eating Disorders
Bullying, Special TopicsI was born 3 months pre-mature, weighing 1 pound, 9 ounces. As a result of being born pre-maturely, I have mild cerebral palsy that affects how I walk. Growing up with a physical disability was very difficult; every day at school I was verbally…

Body Shaming, Bullying and Eating Disorders – A Twitter Chat
In honor of World Eating Disorders Action Day, NEDA is hosting a Twitter chat to explore the relationship between body shaming, bullying and eating disorders. Join us Thursday, June 2nd at 1PM ET and follow #WeDoAct. Body Shaming, Bullying…

The Positive Power of the Web
Note: This article was originally written for and published on the Proud2Bme site.The Internet has a bad reputation. With the click of a button, we can easily hurt one another, whether it be in regards to race, sex, religion, or appearance.However,…

Body-Shaming + Cyberbullying
Here at the National Eating Disorders Association, we believe that social media has the ability to empower people and spread messages of hope and (body) positivity. However, when in the wrong hands, social media can sometimes do more…