What is Confident Body, Confident Child?

Confident Body, Confident Child (CBCC) is an evidence-based resource providing parenting strategies to promote positive body image, healthy eating and physical activity in children aged 2 to 6 years. The resource aims to support and guide parents or guardians, to create an environment in which their children can develop body satisfaction and healthy eating patterns. Although developed for use in early childhood, the ideas in the resource will also be valuable for older children.

CBCC was developed by a team of researchers from the School of Psychology and Public Health at La Trobe University, Australia. The resource was developed from the best available research evidence arising from an extensive review of published research studies, public websites, and existing parent resources (Hart et al, 2018).


NEDA is excited to offer CBCC workshops designed to help you develop positive body image and healthy eating patterns in your child. You will walk away with practical strategies for the whole family to try and some fun activities to do with your child. We will cover a range of important topics, including:

  • What is body image and why is it important?
  • Promoting self-esteem
  • Dealing with social influences and teasing
  • Promoting healthy eating
  • FAQs
    • Who is this for?
      • The ideal participants are parents or caregivers of children 2-6 years old. While this is an evidence-based program for 2-6 year olds, the practical skills can be used with kids of all ages.
    • Where does the workshop take place?
      • The workshop takes place online in two, two-hour sessions presented two weeks apart to facilitate learning.
    • What is the workshop cost?
      • $25 per workshop. We want this program to be accessible. Please contact us if you need sliding scale rates.
    • Who is hosting the workshop?
      • Workshops are facilitated by NEDA staff members who are CBCC trained facilitators (and parents!).
    • Can children attend the workshop?
      • No, children cannot attend the workshops. We aim to offer workshops at times that are accessible to parents and caregivers. If you have feedback on times that would work better for you, please let us know!
    • What is included in the CBCC Resource Pack?
      • Included in your NEDA registration fee, you will receive a CBCC resource pack mailed to you in advance of your workshop date. The resource packet includes:

        The Parent Book: A parent’s guide to helping young children feel good about their bodies.

        The Extended Family Book: A booklet to share with other family members who are involved in caring for your child to help reinforce the messages of the program.

        The Do/Don’ts Poster to hang in your home as a reminder of strategies you can use to help your child(ren) build confident bodies.