Support Group
UncategorizedThis search tool will help you find a support group or eating disorder research study in your area.<p>Your browser does not support iframes.</p>List Your Support GroupIf you host a free eating disorders…

Road to Recovery
UncategorizedWhen I look back on my journey I'm in awe of how my eating disorder changed my life. For 18 years I never once thought about what I was eating, my clothing size, my weight on the scale and certainly not calories my exercise. I was as carefree…

No Longer a Child
That is the best way I can describe myself when I was in the throes of binge eating disorder and, later, bulimia: utterly broken. I started binge eating around the age of eight, and I can never fully undo the damage it has done in…

An Imperfect, Healthier and Happier Adventure
UncategorizedFreshman year of college started with a bang. Not an illuminating and beautiful firework bang, but more like a gunshot. Within one month of college, I had broken up with my boyfriend, been used for sex by another guy and was struggling to pass…

My Fighting Spirit
UncategorizedMy name is Tori and this is my story. I was always teeny tiny until I hit my teens. The summer I turned 16, I can vividly remember being upset about the size of my new shorts. It was that moment that I made vast changes in my diet and lifestyle.…