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NEDA & Yoga and Body Image Coalition Announce Third Roundtable

This roundtable discussion series is a collaboration between NEDA and the Yoga and Body Image Coalition.  NEDA and the Yoga and Body Image Coalition are excited to announce the third roundtable in our collaborative roundtable series,…
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NEDA Offers Funding to NEDA Network Members!

For the first year ever, NEDA was able to offer grant funding to members of the NEDA Network.  The NEDA Network is a partnership between NEDA and other mission-aligned organizations dedicated to advancing the field of eating disorders and…
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Introducing NEDA’s Public Policy Team!

NEDA Public Policy TeamIn August, NEDA officially established a full policy team with the appointment of Joslyn P. Smith as Director of Public Policy and Community Relations. In her role with NEDA, and previously as a consultant, Joslyn…
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NEDA & Yoga and Body Image Coalition Announce Second Roundtable

This roundtable discussion series is a collaboration between NEDA and the Yoga and Body Image Coalition. NEDA and the Yoga and Body Image Coalition are excited to announce the second roundtable in our collaborative roundtable series, Growing…
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Formerly Fat, Still a Gender Outlaw

This week, as we near the close of Weight Stigma Awareness Week, I have felt deeply reflective about my own eating disorder journey. When my TEDx Talk, “In a World That is Wrong About Us” was released earlier this summer, I had no idea how…
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Weight Stigma Harms People of All Sizes

A little over 17 years ago, in my junior year of college, I went on my first diet to try to lose a little bit of weight that I’d gained during a study-abroad program. What happened next is a story that’s probably all too familiar to anyone…
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Weight Stigma in the Workplace and Beyond

In 2017, jobs site Fairygodboss showed a picture of a larger-bodied woman to 500 hiring professionals and asked if they would consider employing her. Only 15.6% of respondents said they would. Furthermore, one in five respondents described the…
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Weight Stigma in Healthcare

Many healthcare providers struggle with how or why weight stigma is a public health concern.  The truth is, if you care about health, you should care about weight stigma.  The two issues are not mutually exclusive. For years, I have…
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Male Body Image and Weight Stigma

The topic of body image is a constant discussion topic in the eating disorders community, especially more and more as we begin to see the harmful effects of diet culture and the prevalence of anti-fat bias. The deeper we dive into the subject,…
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What’s All the Fuss About Weight Stigma?

Gather ‘round, kids.  Once upon a time, when I arrived for psychology grad school on the west coast, I started a dance class for fat women. “We Dance” was emphatically not a weight loss environment, but rather a place where a…