NEDAWARENESS WEEK BANNER (750 × 300 px) (748 × 250 px) (1)

Cultivating a Culture of Body Acceptance within the Fitness Industry

Supporting someone with an eating disorder is challenging. I know, because I struggled with an eating disorder for many years in my late teens and early twenties. My road to recovery was long, and almost thirty years later, I still have times…
NEDAWARENESS WEEK BANNER (750 × 300 px) (748 × 250 px) (1)

What Does It Take to Become an Eating Disorder Therapist

As a former ballerina who had a family history of eating disorders, I was exposed to the importance of a healthy relationship with food and my body from a young age. At 16, I was reading the book Eating Disorders for Dummies in the dressing…
NEDAWARENESS WEEK BANNER (750 × 300 px) (748 × 250 px) (1)

Barrier to Treatment

Diversity, body positivity, and inclusion have become priorities for many of our favorite brands, and are major themes in messages from our admired celebrities and influencers, all in an effort to make people feel included with a sense of…
NEDAWARENESS WEEK BANNER (750 × 300 px) (748 × 250 px) (1)

Aerie x NEDA Campus Warriors: Making Change on College Campuses

The Aerie Real Foundation™ works to build confidence in women, foster an inclusive community, and protect our planet to make the world a better place for all. We’re awarding our first $100,000 Aerie Real Change Signature Grant to NEDA…

Welcome to the 39th Eating Disorders Awareness Week!

Eating Disorders Awareness Week (EDAW) was launched in Columbus, Ohio in 1984 by the National Anorexic Aid Society to coincide with our 3rd National Eating Disorder Conference. Our first theme was “Be the person you are; It’s what’s…

My One Woman Army

If it wasn’t for my support system, my eating disorder would have devoured me. I had just started college, was so caught up in my quest for thinness, so desperate to succeed, to make my body as small as possible, that I couldn’t acknowledge…
NEDAWARENESS WEEK BANNER (750 × 300 px) (748 × 250 px) (1)

My eating disorder taught me so much

May, 2009. “I am worried about you…you are disappearing before my eyes, and I am losing my friend Anne. I can’t see her anymore; and I am sad.  I really want her back. I love you and I am here, caring about you”…Love PI had…
NEDAWARENESS WEEK BANNER (750 × 300 px) (748 × 250 px) (1)

Eating Disorders in the Workplace: How to Handle the Tough Stuff

I’ve been working professionally for nearly 20 years. I’ve also been in recovery from anorexia since 2010 and every day is a struggle. Outwardly, this struggle isn’t always visible, but it’s there. And it’s hard. What makes it harder…
NEDAWARENESS WEEK BANNER (750 × 300 px) (748 × 250 px) (1)

Sacrificing Health to Be a Model

I have always read about models who suffer from eating disorders, but I didn’t expect I would be one of them. I became a model when I was scouted on the streets of Tokyo at the age of 12. After my parents and I had a proper chat with…

Dichos and Latinidad

“Pero quiero mas a mis ojos, Pero quiero mas a mis ojos, porque mis ojos te vieron” (But I love my eyes more, because my eyes saw you). I heard this saying or dicho growing up many times. In the Latino culture it is common to use idioms…