
Writing Daily Details Doesn’t Shine Light on the Bigger Picture (But a Few Steppingstones can Illuminate a Lifetime)

In my own biweekly journaling, I need to run the daily details through my pen to make sense of and absorb them.  And sometimes, there are times when I need the clarity and guidance of a long-scope overview.  I recently looked back…

Finding The Right Treatment for Your Eating Disorder

Finding the right treatment for an eating disorder can be a daunting process.   What kind of therapy will be most effective for my problem?  How do I find an experienced provider?  How on Earth will I pay for it?As a therapist…

Expressive Arts Therapy and Eating Disorders

I like to talk. To anyone who knows me, this is not news.  From the time I was in elementary school, to my parent’s dismay, my report cards consistently informed them that I needed to stop talking so much in class.   Some may…

Fighting Against Self: A Queer Transman’s Journey Away from ED

People who know memay consider me to be a “healthy person” but in reality, most of my adult life I’ve teetered near the point of death, both literally and figuratively. Some might argue that what pushed me to this point was my battle with…

Reflections on Hope: Wisdom from Our Readers!

Continued from Volume 7, Issue 1 of Making ConnectionsThe Parent, Family and Friends Network (PFN) Steering Committee, in an effort to shed light on the complexity of the role hope plays in the eating disorder recovery process (for families,…

Writing Comes out Flat and Dull (But Could Vividly Capture Moments)

One writes to capture and crystallize one's joy, but also to disperse one's gloom.~Anne Morrow Lindbergh, War Within & Without: Diaries and letters of Anne Morrow Lindbergh, 1939 – 1944CRYSTALLIZING JOYI've adored my now 24- year- old…

La Esperanza está en el paso que das Hoy que te lleva al Siguiente

Recientemente , he creado una pagina web de los trastornos alimenticios y la imagen corporal positiva en español (www.ser1mismo.org) para construir un recurso y ofrecer ayuda a aquellos que luchan en la comunidad que habla español . Creo firmemente…

Become Your Own St. Valentine: 5 Ways to Love Your SELF

“To the people who love you, you are beautiful already. This is not because they’re blind to your shortcomings but because they so clearly see your soul.” — Victoria Moran, “Lit From Within: Tending Your Soul For Lifelong Beauty”While…

Writing can get Boring (So Spice it up by Going Deeper)

When I want to spice up my writing, I turn to Kathleen Adams'  Journal to the Self: Twenty-Two Paths to Personal Growth.  Adams writes in the preface, “...this book approaches journal writing from the standpoint of techniques—different…

The Voice in Your Head

About ten years ago, I got intensely interested in the complex world of eating disorders after reading a newspaper article about a teenage boy with anorexia—which shocked me, because I’d had no idea boys or men could even get eating disorders. …