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The Self-Care Master Post: Ideas, Inspiration & More!

Taking time to care for yourself is an important part of recovery from an eating disorder. As Audre Lorde said, “Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation....” With that in mind, we've compiled a master list…

5 Ways to Shut Down Body Bashing This Holiday Season

The holidays can be tough! Attempting to juggle the stresses of constantly being surrounded by food and people is A LOT, especially if you struggle with an eating disorder or weight-related issues.Everything from your mom slyly (in her opinion!)…

Turning My Mess Into my Message

As a little girl, my mother and I would sit on the sofa and watch television together. I remember being fascinated by cosmetic commercials as the supermodels floated across the screen, with seemingly flawless skin and long, flowing hair. I wanted…

3 Tips for Coping with Triggers in Eating Disorder Recovery

We live in a society where we are inundated with messages that promote diet-culture, the “thin ideal” of female beauty, and serve to glamorize excessive exercise. For individuals who are struggling with an eating disorder, recovering within…

An Introduction to Nutritional Therapy

Given the complex nature of eating disorders, they often require a professional team approach. That is, eating disorder recovery requires the combined involvement of professionals, including: registered dieticians, psychiatrists, therapists,…

The Road Within: An Interview with Gren Wells

At Proud2Bme, we're tired of narratives that portray young people with mental illness as helpless victims. We're tired of one-dimensional characters and after-school specials.So when we heard about Gren Wells's directorial debut film, The Road…

What “Treatment as Usual” Costs in Australia

The Butterfly Foundation, an Australian organization that provides support for Australians who suffer from eating disorders, recently released findings from their report, Investing in Need: cost effective interventions for eating disorders.…

Recovering Around a “Backdrop of Disorder”

Does every woman really have an eating disorder? Of course not. I wrote my book, and started the blog that inspired it, to shed light on the incidence of subthreshold eating disorders, now called Other Specified Feeding and Eating Disorders…

An Athlete Discovers Her True Strength – Imperfection

Life is often defined by measurements. Our age, income, hours we spend working/sleeping/watching TV - the list could go on and on. These external measurements become the way we define success. And in sport, being defined by a specific measurement…

Looking Forward: Conjuring Up the Path of the New Year

The days come and go like muffled and veiled figuressent from a distant party—but they say nothingand if we do not use the gifts they bringthey carry them as silently away.~ Ralph Waldo Emerson ~Emerson's words touch me with their wisdom and…