Positive Guy on Beach

How to Start Living Fearlessly In Your Everyday Life

From fear of judgment at the gym during “resolution season” to fear of failure when asking for a raise, all of us deal with fear every single day. One of my big goals at this time in my life is to live fearlessly.About 40 million American…
Woman with Head in Knees

Dear Lesley: How Can I Maintain Eating Disorder Recovery with Stomach Sensitivities?

Dr. Lesley Williams is a certified eating disorder specialist, family medicine physician, and positive body image advocate. She co-owns Liberation Center, an eating disorder treatment facility, in Phoenix, Arizona. Dr. Williams is dedicated…
Group of Jumping People

5 Ways to Stay Positive in the Face of January Diet Campaigns

We’re over a week into the new year and you've likely encountered a plethora of diet ads telling you that happiness can only be achieved through weight loss. I'm calling BS on that idea. So often, the prospect of the new year is poisoned…
men eds me

Eating Disorders in Men: Not a Phase, Not a Choice, Not a Joke

Everyone faces obstacles. No matter who you are, what you look like, or where you live, we all face road blocks while moving forward in life. Some of us get through them very easily while others struggle through each one, hanging on by the smallest…
Girl Sunset Silhouette

It’s Complicated: My Struggle with Emotional Eating

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The use of food for emotional comfort is often normalized in our culture. It’s very common to see TV shows or movies portraying actresses drowning their sorrows after a breakup by eating a tub of ice cream or an entire box of chocolates. That…

Dear Melody: How Can I Accept Healthy Weight Gain?

“Dear Melody” is a monthly advice column by Dr. Melody Moore, a clinical psychologist, yoga instructor and the founder of the Embody Love Movement Foundation. Her foundation is a non-profit whose mission is to empower girls and women to…
holiday hope (1)

Words of Holiday Hope from the NEDA Community

The holidays can be a difficult time for anyone. Amidst the busyness and changing of routine and weather, it’s easy for us to struggle to maintain that holiday cheer we are expected to embody every single day. It’s okay to ask for help and…

Un Batido de Amor Propio

En el mundo de hoy, nos encontramos bombardeados con información sobre cómo debemos cuidar nuestros cuerpos. Constantemente vemos los últimos ejercicios, diferentes tipos de planes de comidas, opciones de alimentos, rutinas de ejercicios,…

A Smoothie of Self-Love

In today's world, we find ourselves bombarded with information about how we should take care of our bodies. We constantly see the latest exercises, different kinds of meal plans, food options, workout routines, etc. and sometimes it’s hard…
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4 Tips for Managing Triggers During the Holidays

For many of us, the holidays can be a difficult time. Whether you are visiting your family for winter break or you live with your parents, the hyper-focus on food and body image during this time can be hard to navigate.We often receive mixed…