YBIC x NEDAwareness 2021 Blog Round Up

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Yoga and Body Image Coalition

The Yoga and Body Image Coalition is a 2021 Featured NEDAwareness Week Partner. YBIC’s mission is to work with all of the ways yoga and body image intersect to create greater access and dignity for all.

Check out these articles YBIC is highlighting:

Reframing Health & Wellness in the Face of Diet Culture by Pia Schiavo-Campo


“Every Body Has a Seat at the Table?” by Donna Noble


We Who Have Our Breath by Erica Morton Magill


Scrap the Yoga Butt. Let’s Make Inclusion Our Goal by Liz Getman


NEDA applauds YBIC’s commitment to developing, promotion, and supporting yoga that is accessible, body-positive, and reflects the full range of human diversity. More of YBIC’s NEDAwareness Week resources can be found here.