Demo Event

Goal: $20

Amount Raised: $0

Participant Center 



      Event Details:

      Walk Venue: demo event
      Walk Location: demo location
      Walk Date: 30/12/2022
      Check-In: 4:18 pm
      Walk: 6:17 am

      Join our event on Facebook and spread the word!

      Didn't meet the deadline? You can still register at the walk!

      For more information, please email NEDAAustin@gmail.com

      Please click here for Local FAQ Details

      Join our event on Facebook and spread the word!

      Raise a minimum of $25 by October 10th to guarantee you have a NEDA Walk t-shirt for event day!

      **Gmail Users – Are you receiving all NEDA Walk emails?  To ensure you don’t miss any important messages, check your promotions or spam folders and make sure you add NEDA emails to your approved list!