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Weight Stigma: Privilege and Responsibility

As a person who’s never been fat, I’m not an authority on weight stigma. And as a person in recovery from an eating disorder (ED), it can sometimes be difficult to think of myself as thin. But when I look at the realities of my experience,…
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Weight Stigma: A Mom’s Perspective

Like many women of my generation, I grew up hating my body. I learned to do that from the culture, the media, and especially my family. The first thing any of the women in my family said to each other was either You look great—have you lost…
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Why Weight Stigma Awareness Week

Message from Chevese Turner, Chief Policy & Strategy Officer, regarding Dr. Oliver-Pyatt's contributions to WSAW:As we embark on NEDA’s first year hosting Weight Stigma Awareness Week (WSAW), we want to acknowledge and celebrate its founder,…
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How Weight Stigma Shows Up For Me

Weight stigma is a real thing, and something that I am directly impacted by. To put it into perspective, I went out this past weekend and I was feeling hot—I was feeling myself 150%. The next day, I did something that I never do, something…
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Weight Stigma – The Root of Eating Disorders

In the eating disorders community, we often hear the phrase “Not every diet leads to an eating disorder, but every eating disorder starts with a diet.” That’s true, but if we really want to prevent eating disorders and allow for full recovery,…
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A Light in the Darkness – How You Can Play a Role in Suicide Prevention

This blog post is sponsored by Veritas Collaborative.September is Suicide Prevention Month, and now more than ever, we need to examine how we can each play a role in decreasing suicide rates in the United States and beyond. Suicide is the…
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Dating in the LGBTQ+ Community: Perspective from a Guy in Recovery

In this day and age with all the apps, dating has become mainstream. But, while it’s become extremely accessible for all communities, it’s also become ever fleeting. You meet someone and there’s one thing you don’t like about them, so…
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NEDA & Yoga and Body Image Coalition Announce Upcoming Roundtable Series

This roundtable discussion series is a collaboration between NEDA and the Yoga and Body Image Coalition.      NEDA and the Yoga and Body Image Coalition are thrilled to announce an upcoming collaborate roundtable…
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“Ain’t it easy to kick me when I’m down?”

Let’s talk about celebrity. Glamour. Glitz. Lights. Camera. Action! Most of us watch TV. We go to the movies. Maybe we watch the Academy Awards, the Grammys, the Golden Globes. We read magazines, whether intentionally or accidentally glancing…
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The Lack of Representation of Eating Disorders in the Arts

I have loved theatre since I was a toddler. It has always been an integral part of who I am; my deepest obsession. Until another one took over: food. I was a teenager when I started struggling with disordered eating, and things escalated when…