
Eating Disorders, Diversity and What You Can Do About It

 “For all the information and raised awareness, the stereotype won’t die—eating disorders are a white-woman problem,” writes Michelle Konstantinovsky in her recent article entitled, “Eating Disorders Do Not Discriminate: Puncturing…

The Marginalized Voices Project

The National Eating Disorders Association, in association with feminist activist and editor of Everyday Feminism, Melissa Fabello, is calling for stories that focus on underrepresented experiences and communities in the eating disorder field…

Other Ways Out: Marginalized Voices in Eating Disorder Recovery

Pick up any eating disorder memoir at your local bookstore, and you are more than likely to find some iteration of this narrative arc.Well-to-do, young white woman develops an eating disorder, spirals into near-oblivion, seeks treatment for…
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Strategies for Enjoying the Holidays: Tips from Fellow Readers

At NEDA we know that holidays can be a stressful time for families and individuals struggling with, or pursuing recovery from, an eating disorder. So, we asked the NEDA community to share their strategies for navigating the holidays in the face…