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It’s 2017 and Disabled People Continue to Live on the Margins of Society

Many people don’t realize that living as a disabled person can be especially difficult, not because of the disability itself, but because abled individuals discriminate against us. Although I often like to forget I have cerebral palsy and…

The Uniquely Dangerous Eating Disorder Symptom in Type 1 Diabetes

Content note: Please note that this blog discusses one perspective and doesn't capture all eating disorder representations. Eating disorders in type 1 diabetes (T1DM) are rarely understood or recognized outside the T1DM patient and medical…
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Better Place

“Once in a while, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairytale.”Our fairytale started in October 2014, when we least expected it. We were introduced through a mutual friend over a year before, and had quickly become…
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Bullying, Disability, and Eating Disorders

I was born 3 months pre-mature, weighing 1 pound, 9 ounces. As a result of being born pre-maturely, I have mild cerebral palsy that affects how I walk. Growing up with a physical disability was very difficult; every day at school I was verbally…

Disability Does Not Define Me

I was born with cerebral palsy. It has affected my self-esteem because I do things more slowly than my peers. I was teased because of the way I walked when I was younger. However, at the time, bad body image wasn’t on my radar.My birth mom…

The Cages We Built

Sometimes, the hardest cages to break out of are the ones we build for ourselves. Society has created a cage for many adolescents around the world, creating an illusion that these cages aren’t meant to be broken. The bars surrounding their…

Dear Melody: Can I Separate My Gender Identity from My Body Image Issues?

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“Monthly Matters with Melody” is a monthly advice column by Dr. Melody Moore, a clinical psychologist, yoga instructor and the founder of the Embody Love Movement Foundation. Her foundation is a non-profit whose mission is to empower girls…

Filmmaker Tchaiko Omawale is Opening a Conversation about Black Women and Eating Disorders

The first thing you notice about up-and-coming filmmaker Tchaiko Omawale is her vibrant blue hair; the second thing you notice, much like her hair, is the infectious yet subtle smile spread across her face. When she speaks, she pulls you, as…

Of Papyrus and Pottery: Learning to listen to the marginalized voice.

In thinking about trying to alleviate some of the tremendous suffering that comes with struggling with an eating disorder, there is nothing more urgent than earlier recognition and identification of those at risk. Early intervention is essential…

Marginalized Voices Project – Untold Truths

The Marginalized Voices Project is a collaboration between the National Eating Disorders Association and feminist activist and editor of Everyday Feminism, Melissa A. Fabello. Together, we put out a call for stories that focus on underrepresented…