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Choose More of You Every Day

As a young girl, I never believed it was ever okay to just “come as you are.”I became really used to wishing I was different and hoping that I could shrink my personality, my mind, and my body to a stature that would be loveable. Little…
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Dancer with an Eating Disorder, I See You

Dance has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. Even before my first dance class at three years old, I often spent my days running around my house on my tiptoes in a sparkly pink tutu and tiny ballet slippers. I used my bedside…
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Disability and Eating Disorders: This World is Ours Too

About four years ago, I came out of a doctor’s office with my first diagnosis: fibromyalgia. It was the first of a laundry list of conditions we discovered I had during the course of my eating disorder recovery. Some of my conditions were…
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LIVE Well Act: Why It’s Important

“It is imperative that any education efforts around food and nutrition include eating disorders prevention and assessment for every child independent of weight status.” Chevese Turner, NEDA’s Chief Policy and Strategy Officer. In…
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My Path to Advocacy

As someone who found community and healing through documenting my mental health recovery on social media, the question  I’ve taught myself to come back to in advocacy work is, “Is this all I can do to help the cause, or can I do something…
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Moving from Weight-Neutral to Body Affirming

Diet culture and fatphobia perpetuate eating disorders and can make full recovery impossible. They create an environment in which we, as the brilliant Deb Burgard has said, prescribe and encourage the same behaviors for fat people that we diagnose…
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Instagram & NEDA team up on #ComeAsYouAre

Instagram has always been a place for exploring your passions, sharing your interests, and connecting with the people and things you love. We want you to feel comfortable to express yourself, and to feel enriched and empowered as an individual…
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My Body Acceptance and Eating Disorder Recovery

What does body acceptance and eating disorder recovery mean to me? Every day is a challenge. My old habits still linger and the hurtful thoughts are always in the back of my mind. I have to remember all the accomplishments that got me to this…
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Maudsley as an Adult

Editor’s note: Family Based Treatment (FBT) is one of many effective, evidence-based treatments for eating disorders. Treatment is not a one-size-fits-all approach; it should be tailored to the individual and will vary according…
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#ComeAsYouAre on Instagram this NEDAwareness Week

As you’ve probably heard by now, the theme for this year’s National Eating Disorders Awareness Week  (#NEDAwareness) is Come as You Are.We hope Come as You Are sends the message to everyone – especially those who have not previously…