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Pursuing Weight Loss Is Not a Way to “Take Care of Yourself”

Monday, May 6th is International No Diet Day, a day to celebrate the beauty and diversity of how bodies show up in the world, affirm every body’s right to live free of shame, stigma, and oppression, and learn the facts about weight loss, dieting,…
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You are enough. I am enough. We are enough.

No Diet Day takes place annually on May 6th. It is a day for us to celebrate our bodies just exactly as they are without criticism or judgement. It is a day I hope can turn into many days, free to believe we are enough despite our size, despite…
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Recognizing and Resisting Diet Culture

Diet Culture is dangerous and harms people of all sizes, including by perpetuating eating disorders and making a full recovery almost impossible. But when it comes to identifying Diet Culture in a world that is sadly rife with it, there can…
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A Letter to the Fitness Industry: The Power of Influence

Fitness is a state of health and well-being. Influence, by definition, is the capacity to affect the character and behavior of another. Having the ability to influence means you’ve earned credibility. You’ve earned respect. You are trusted.…
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NEDA Network Announces No Diet Day, May 6th!

The NEDA Network, a collaboration between NEDA and other like-minded eating disorders organizations, is working to promote No Diet Day, taking place on May 6, 2019.  Network organizations are supporting No Diet Day to encourage the rejection…
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Bringing NEDAwareness Week 2019 to a Close

As National Eating Disorders  Awareness Week (NEDAwareness Week) comes to a close, I reflect on how the 2019 theme, Come as You Are, highlights NEDA’s movement towards inclusivity in the greater eating disorders (ED) community, and the…
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Recovering Abundantly in a One-Size-Fits-All World

When I began my recovery journey from an eating disorder 13 years ago, I had a certain set of expectations about how the recovery process would go. Healthcare professionals told me to expect several things. They reassured me that as I learned…
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Is Weight Loss Ever the Right Prescription for BED?

Recovery from binge eating disorder (BED) is a long haul. The ride is bumpy, frightening, rewarding, and ultimately incomplete, just like all human healing. As a psychotherapist, I have treated BED for over 30 years. I have worked with literally…
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ED Recovery in a System Not Designed by Fat, Queer, Transgender People

This week, during National Eating Disorders Awareness Week, I have contemplated a lot about my eating disorder and recovery. I had the honor and pleasure of speaking to more than 450 people over three days and at three public Iowa universities.…
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YBIC Gathers NEDAwareness Week Writing

The Yoga and Body Image Coalition is a 2019 Featured NEDAwareness Week Partner. YBIC’s mission is to work with all of the ways yoga and body image intersect to create greater access and dignity for all. As part of NEDAwareness Week, YBIC invited…