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The Power of Breath

"I already know how to breathe….” said to me by a participant in my Breathwork workshop! Notice, she said this while participating IN my workshop...LOL!I hear that often. Our Breath is unique. Breathing is unique. Folks take their…
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An Open Letter to Fitness Professionals

Encountering weight-based discrimination and internalized weight bias can be particularly challenging in spaces designed to highlight fitness and body movement. In this piece, Lindley Ashline writes a letter to fitness professionals about the…
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My Journey with NEDA Comes Full Circle

My journey with NEDA began after my daughter and I attended our first NEDA Walk in St. Louis shortly after she was discharged from her first treatment stay.  I remember the joy in knowing that all the people there knew exactly how I felt. …
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You’re Amazing: A Chat with Claire Msyko, NEDA CEO

I decided to test out my theory that the world can be changed through conversation. I sent out one hundred letters to one hundred different people who have positively impacted this world. In each letter, I simply asked for them to chat with…
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Body Image and Blindness: It’s Not What I Saw, It’s What I Felt

I’ve wanted to talk about my body image struggles and my blindness in a correlating way for sometime now. Many people don’t realize that just because I can’t see well, doesn’t mean I don’t struggle with what I do see or feel. I don’t…
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It All Started With a Little Cafe: How One Nonprofit Builds Community and Sustainability

NEDA is excited to share how NEDA Network member, Ophelia's Place, thinks outside the box to raise awareness around eating disorders and body image issues in its community, while at the same time finding a means of sustaining the organization…
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Wrestler Adam Page Auctions Ring Gear to Benefit NEDA

Professional wrestling offers a unique combination of athleticism and the art of storytelling. Through the use of larger-than-life characters and sometimes relatable storylines, the audience is met with events they can connect with. For months,…
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To Honor My Mom on Mother’s Day

My beautiful mother Judy seemed to always defy the odds her whole life. In the face of her struggle with mental illness, more specifically anorexia, depression, and anxiety, I witnessed a very strong woman, though she might not have felt that…
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Bridget’s WREATH: Wichita to Winnipeg – Ride for Eating Disorder Awareness and Therapy

My sister, Bridget, was diagnosed with anorexia when she was in 7th grade; she was only 12 years old. I was a freshman in high school, and at 15, I had limited capacity or empathy for her daily challenges. I have to admit, it took losing her…
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No Diet Day Round-up

It's May 6th, which means the NEDA Network's first national No Diet Day is finally here! NEDA is excited to collaborate with our Network members on this important initiative to encourage the rejection of diet culture, and to promote the elimination…