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Eating Disorders in the LGBTQ Community

In the US, more than 8 million people identify as gay, lesbian or bisexual and 700,000 people identify as transgender. In this installment of the Parent, Family and Friends Network Webinar Series, eating disorder specialists and advocates explain…

What Marriage Equality Has to Do With Eating Disorders

On June 26, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled, in the case of Obergefell v. Hodges, that same-sex marriages and unions are legal and must be recognized in all 50 states. This ruling is undeniably a historical step forward in…

Gender Outside the Binary: Part Two

Eating Disorder Recovery and Transgender IdentitiesPart Two of a Three Part SeriesAs I mentioned in part one of this series, one of the biggest fears I had when I first realized that I was transgender was whether my feelings were real or due…

Gender Outside the Binary: Eating Disorder Recovery and My Transgender Identity

Part One of a Three Part SeriesI started outpatient treatment for my eating disorder prior to coming out as transgender. This included almost six years of weekly therapy and support group sessions, meetings with a nutritionist, psychiatrist…

Marginalized Voices Project – Untold Truths

The Marginalized Voices Project is a collaboration between the National Eating Disorders Association and feminist activist and editor of Everyday Feminism, Melissa A. Fabello. Together, we put out a call for stories that focus on underrepresented…

Fighting Against Self: A Queer Transman’s Journey Away from ED

People who know memay consider me to be a “healthy person” but in reality, most of my adult life I’ve teetered near the point of death, both literally and figuratively. Some might argue that what pushed me to this point was my battle with…
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I Had No Idea — It Truly Does Get Better.

The complexity of eating disorders and disordered-eating appears to be ever-growing, and the fear of those suffering and their families is never far behind.As a survivor of an eating disorder and member of the LGBT community, I am often asked…