
The Modeling Industry is Changing. It’s About Time.

As a former model, commercial actress and host, I enjoyed my share of success within the fashion and entertainment industries. I also suffered from binge eating disorder, bulimia and anorexia nervosa for the length of my career—although the…

A Beautiful Sight – NEDAwareness Landmark Lightings

The 2016 National Eating Disorders Awareness Week was an enormous success. The campaign reached nearly 200 million people with information and resources through social media alone, and close to 40,000 people took the online screening.…

NEDAwareness Week: An Opportunity for the Online Conversations I Wish Were Around 9 Years Ago

In November 2007, sitting alone in my cluttered, overly crowded and chaotic shared dorm room, huddled under mounds of blankets with a random episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer playing in the background, I opened my laptop and set out on a journey…

Take Action in the Fight Against Eating Disorders!

With the national spotlight on eating disorders during National Eating Disorders Awareness Week, it’s a great time to educate our elected leaders from across the country about eating disorders, and to ask for their support of important legislation…

Landmark Lightings from Coast to Coast for #NEDAwareness Week

National Eating Disorders Awareness Week kicks off Sunday, February 21st and landmark buildings across the country will be lit up in blue and green to shine the spotlight on eating disorders! Listed below are the names of buildings that…

Health Subcommittee Reviews Key Eating Disorders Prevention Legislation!

NEDA is excited to announce that the Energy & Commerce Health Subcommittee held a hearing yesterday on H.R. 4153, the Educating to Prevent Eating Disorders Act of 2015, following the bill’s introduction in the House last week by Representative…

What is a M.O.M. March?

Many of you have asked - what is a MOM March and how was it born?The M.O.M. (Mothers & Others) March was founded by Alliance For Eating Disorders Awareness, Eating Disorders Coalition (EDC) and Mothers Against Eating Disorders (MAED).  The…

Coming Alive Again – Why I NEDA Walk

I hold tight to the railing of the Brooklyn Bridge walkway as I lean my body against it, sheltered beneath the woven suspension of brick and iron rods. I close my eyes in the exhale of the wind and listen to the rustlings of the early Sunday…

5 People I’m Excited to Hear Speak at the 2015 NEDA Conference!

Editor's note: this post originally appeared on one month, many of the greatest activists and professionals will converge in San Diego at the annual NEDA Conference to discuss the state of eating disorder treatment, research,…

Putting Kids Before Profits: Massachusetts Campaign Takes Dietary Supplements to Task.

Think dietary supplements are healthy and safe, right? Think again. Sure, they are in every local health food store, pharmacy, and grocery, but because of a loophole the size of the Grand Canyon in federal law, the usual government safeguards…